Each year the club presents $500 scholarships to deserving seniors graduating from Oak Ridge High School. Two of the scholarships are supported by endowments, from the late Lion Jim Howell and the late Lion Bob Kernohan. Additional scholarships are provided from the funds raised by Lions in Oak Ridge each year.
Oak Ridge Lions Scholars for 2022

Four 2022 ORHS graduates won the Oak Ridge Lions Club scholarships. From left, they are Anisia Ragin, Gabriella Espada, Jacob Bergen, and Kenneth (Joey) Monroe.
The Oak Ridge Lions Club has awarded scholarships to four Oak Ridge High School graduates of the class of 2022. They are: Anisia Ragin, Gabriella Espada, Jacob Bergen, and Kenneth (Joey) Monroe. Each student’s school will receive $500 for tuition.
“These students were our winners out of 106 applications that we received,” said Lion Larry Losh, chairman of the scholarship committee. “We are pleased so many students were interested and applied.
“The committee and I were very impressed with the achievements of these four young people,” Losh added. “We wish them all well in their future endeavors.
Losh continued, “We are so pleased to award scholarships to this diverse group of students. They showed the hard work and accomplishments involved to get to this point in their lives.”
Ragin will be attending Middle Tennessee State University. She is majoring in engineering technology. While in high school, she was on the prom board and volunteered at the Oak Ridge Preschool.
Espada will be attending East Tennessee State University. She is majoring in nursing, with a goal of a master’s degree as a physician’s assistant. In high school, she was a member of Health Occupation Student Association (HOSA) and National Honor Society (NHS).
Bergen will be attending Maryville College. He is majoring in biology and later wants to become a medical doctor and a surgeon. During high school, he played football, was in the orchestra, and was a member of the NHS.
Monroe will be attending Tennessee College of Applied Technology for welding. He wants a career in the Navy and to be a welder. While in high school, he ran track and was in the Naval Junior ROTC.
Lion Losh chaired the selection committee comprised of Lions Ron Bugos, Ann Rigell, Bob Smallridge, and George Smith.
In the 2022-2023 school year, the Oak Ridge Lions Club plans to award additional scholarships to ORHS graduates in the Class of 2023. Upcoming seniors are encouraged to apply.
Lions Clubs work with vision-impaired and blind people by supporting programs such as the Tennessee School For The Blind, the Tennessee School for the Deaf, the East Tennessee Eye Bank, and training of Leader Dogs. The organization also is working to support diabetes awareness and fighting against the spread of measles.
For additional information, please contact the club at 865-297-3251.